Dota 2 Ranks and MMR

The following table outlines the different ranks and their corresponding MMR ranges in Dota 2. Understanding where you stand in terms of MMR can help you identify which bracket you’re in and guide your improvement as you climb the ranks. Each rank, from Herald to Immortal, presents its own unique challenges and learning opportunities. This table serves as a quick reference for anyone looking to understand the distribution of MMR and the different milestones in their Dota 2 progression.

RankMMR Range
Herald 10 – 154
Herald 2155 – 308
Herald 3309 – 462
Herald 4463 – 616
Herald 5617 – 769
Guardian 1770 – 924
Guardian 2925 – 1,078
Guardian 31,079 – 1,232
Guardian 41,233 – 1,386
Guardian 51,387 – 1,539
Crusader 11,540 – 1,694
Crusader 21,695 – 1,848
Crusader 31,849 – 2,002
Crusader 42,003 – 2,156
Crusader 52,157 – 2,309
Archon 12,310 – 2,464
Archon 22,465 – 2,618
Archon 32,619 – 2,772
Archon 42,773 – 2,926
Archon 52,927 – 3,079
Legend 13,080 – 3,233
Legend 23,234 – 3,387
Legend 33,388 – 3,541
Legend 43,542 – 3,695
Legend 53,696 – 3,849
Ancient 13,850 – 4,003
Ancient 24,004 – 4,157
Ancient 34,158 – 4,311
Ancient 44,312 – 4,465
Ancient 54,466 – 4,619
Divine 14,620 – 4,735
Divine 24,736 – 4,850
Divine 34,851 – 4,965
Divine 44,966 – 5,080
Divine 55,081 – 5,420
Immortal5,421 and above

A Guide to What to Learn and Focus on in Dota 2’s Ranking Brackets

Dota 2 is a game of immense depth and complexity. Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been playing for years, the journey through its ranks is a challenging but rewarding experience. As you progress through the different MMR (Matchmaking Rating) brackets, the skills and strategies required to succeed evolve. This guide is designed to help you understand what to focus on and learn at each ranking bracket, from Herald all the way to Immortal.

1. Herald Bracket (0 – 769 MMR)

Key Focus: Basic Game Mechanics and Fundamentals

In the Herald ranks, you’ll find a lot of players still learning the core mechanics of Dota 2. As a result, your main focus should be on the fundamentals. At this stage, you should prioritize:

  • Learning Heroes and Roles: Get comfortable playing all the roles. Understand what each role requires and experiment with a variety of heroes.
  • Last-hitting and Denying: Mastering last-hitting and denying is crucial. Having solid creep control can win you the lane, even if you’re still figuring out other aspects of the game.
  • Map Awareness: Start learning how to read the minimap. Understand where enemies are likely to be and how to play safely.
  • Itemization Basics: Start learning core items for each hero, and understand when to buy situational items based on the game.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Work on positioning and timing for skills and item usage.
  • Learn basic warding and the importance of vision.

2. Guardian Bracket (770 – 1,539 MMR)

Key Focus: Strategy, Objectives, and Map Control

As you progress into the Guardian bracket, you’ll face players who are beginning to understand the strategic aspects of Dota 2. To climb higher, focus on:

  • Objectives Over Kills: At this stage, players tend to over-focus on kills. Instead, shift your mindset to prioritizing objectives like towers, Roshan, and barracks.
  • Team Coordination: While individual skill is still important, start working on team coordination. Stick with your team, don’t wander off alone, and work on your communication.
  • Warding and Vision Control: Begin placing wards in key areas like Roshan, high ground, and jungle entrances to give your team better control of the map.
  • Positioning in Teamfights: Learn where to position yourself in fights, especially as a carry. Your survival can often decide the outcome of a teamfight.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Rune control becomes important; always keep an eye on power-ups and secure them for your team.
  • Practice rotations as a support. Understand when to leave your lane and help other lanes.

3. Crusader Bracket (1,540 – 2,309 MMR)

Key Focus: Understanding Advanced Concepts and Team Play

In the Crusader ranks, players start to grasp advanced concepts. It’s time to focus on:

  • Hero Synergy and Drafting: Start learning about hero combinations, team compositions, and counters. Understanding which heroes work well together can give your team a huge advantage.
  • Wave Management: Focus on creep equilibrium in your lanes. Learn when to push and when to freeze the wave at your tower. This will help you gain an advantage over your opponent.
  • Advanced Map Awareness: Improve your map awareness to predict enemy movements, anticipate ganks, and secure objectives.
  • Timing and Execution: Perfect your execution of important spells and items during teamfights.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Work on understanding timing windows for objectives like Roshan and power spikes in the game.
  • Get comfortable with different styles of heroes: initiators, teamfighters, split-pushers, etc.

4. Archon Bracket (2,310 – 3,079 MMR)

Key Focus: Mastering Mechanics and Decision Making

As you reach the Archon ranks, it’s time to focus on mastering mechanics and decision-making. This includes:

  • Individual Skill Execution: Your skill level in terms of positioning, item usage, and spell casting should be refined. Practice efficient and fast decision-making in critical moments.
  • Rotations and Map Movements: Start focusing on rotation efficiency. As the game develops, the action becomes faster, so it’s important to make precise movements with minimal wasted time.
  • Understanding Power Spikes: Know when your hero reaches its power spike, and make plays accordingly. This is especially true for heroes that rely on items to get stronger.
  • Split Pushing: Learn how to split-push effectively when your team is engaging in other areas of the map.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Work on counter-initiating. Understand when to disengage and when to force a fight.
  • Perfect the art of baiting enemy spells and making them waste crucial abilities.

5. Legend Bracket (3,080 – 3,849 MMR)

Key Focus: Advanced Strategies and Mentality

Players in the Legend bracket are much more skilled, and strategies become more advanced. At this level, you should focus on:

  • Map Control and Vision: Control over the map becomes more important. Place deep wards in the enemy jungle, and learn how to ward the Roshan pit effectively.
  • Mentality and Tilt Management: Your mindset plays a huge role at this level. If you’re on tilt, it can lead to poor decisions. Learn to stay calm under pressure and focus on the game.
  • Understanding Tempo: Learn how to dictate the tempo of the game. This involves taking objectives when the enemy is weakest and ensuring that you maximize your lead.
  • Late-Game Decision Making: Understand the importance of the late-game. Be aware of when it’s best to push and when to farm. Sometimes it’s better to play passively and wait for your core items.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Efficient communication with your team; encourage calls for objectives and not just kills.
  • Focus on adaptive item builds to counter the opposing team’s strategy.

6. Ancient Bracket (3,850 – 4,619 MMR)

Key Focus: High-Level Strategy and Game Management

In the Ancient ranks, players have refined most aspects of their gameplay. Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Macro Play: Focus on larger, more strategic decisions such as controlling areas of the map, setting up vision, and securing the late game.
  • Advanced Teamfights: Teamfights are where matches are often decided, and you need to understand the optimal positioning and timing for initiating or counter-initiating.
  • Hero Flexibility: Be able to play multiple roles and understand different strategies to adapt to any situation.
  • Efficient Farming and Resource Management: Manage not only your resources but also your team’s resources to ensure maximum efficiency in all phases of the game.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Focus on flanking and ensuring that key enemies (like the enemy carry) are shut down quickly in fights.
  • Improve your shotcalling and ability to make snap decisions for your team.

7. Divine and Immortal Bracket (4,620 – 5,421+ MMR)

Key Focus: Perfecting Strategy, Execution, and Leadership

The Divine and Immortal brackets represent the pinnacle of Dota 2. Here, players need to focus on the highest-level strategies and team coordination:

  • Leading the Team: At this stage, you may find yourself leading your team in terms of strategic decisions. Shotcalling is essential—know when to fight, when to push, and when to defend.
  • Minimizing Mistakes: The best players at this level make very few mistakes. Focus on perfecting your timing, positioning, and coordination with your team.
  • Advanced Itemization and Strategy: Understand counter-picking at a deeper level, and always adjust your item build and playstyle to counter the opposing team’s heroes and tactics.
  • Psychological Warfare: Mental fortitude is key in this bracket. Make sure to stay calm and focused under pressure, and use your experience to outsmart opponents.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Work on enhancing communication with your teammates, including drafting, in-game strategies, and tactical decisions.
  • Focus on high-level decision-making in teamfights, ensuring that every action counts.

Things to Keep in Mind

Climbing the ranks in Dota 2 requires patience, practice, and a constant desire to improve. As you move through the various MMR brackets, the focus shifts from understanding the basics to perfecting your strategy, mechanics, and team coordination. Whether you’re in Herald or Immortal, the goal is to always be learning and adapting to the challenges each bracket presents. Good luck on your journey to the top!

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Dota 2 Coaching by BSJ

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